Category: Middle Ages

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  • 1492: Columbus and the Birth of a New Era

    1492: Columbus and the Birth of a New Era

    Columbus’ Discovery of the Americas: A Turning Point in History In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean and stumbled upon what we now know as America. This event marked a turning point in human history and had far-reaching consequences for both the Old and New Worlds. Columbus’ Journey: A…

  • Power games: The Intriguing Politics

    Power games: The Intriguing Politics

    Politics and Power in the Middle Ages In the Middle Ages, the political structure was complicated and deeply rooted in the concepts of feudalism and the divine rights of kings. This period, which ran roughly from the 5th to the late 15th century, saw a diverse array of political entities,…

  • Crafts and Guilds in the Cities

    Crafts and Guilds in the Cities

    Crafts and Guilds in Medieval Cities In the Middle Ages, crafts and guilds were an essential part of urban life. These organizations regulated production and trade and ensured social and economic stability in cities. In this blog, we explore the role and importance of crafts and guilds in medieval cities.…

  • The Knights and Their Castles: Icons of Courage and Power

    The Knights and Their Castles: Icons of Courage and Power

    Knights and Castles: A Look into Medieval History In the Middle Ages, knights and castles formed the core of European feudal society. This period, which lasted from the 5th to the 15th century, is known for its chivalric codes, majestic castles, and fascinating history. The Role of Knights in the…